April 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Important Update From the Department of Labor Regarding FFCRA Sick Leave and Family Leave
Posted by Ari Burd
The Department of Labor (“DOL”) has just issued important new guidance regarding the use of Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) paid sick leave and emergency paid family leave. This is the sick and family leave that must be offered by certain employers as of today, April 1st and for which employers will receive a credit at the end of the quarter. The DOL’s guidance differs from what was previously expected based on the plain language of the law. Specifically, be aware that the DOL has taken the position that:
The full list of DOL questions/answers/guidance can be found here:
The new DOL issued poster that must go up in office re: COVID-19 is here:
If you have any questions, please contact Ari Burd, Jeri Abrams and Jay Becker at the Giordano Halleran and Ciesla Labor and Employment law department.