NJ Labor And Employment Law

The New Jersey Labor and Employment Law Blog is authored by Jay S. Becker and Joseph C. DeBlasio, shareholders in the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group, with support from the associates in the Group. It is dedicated to provide news and updates regarding all labor and employment matters throughout New Jersey.

Much to the Satisfaction of Employers Across the State, Governor Christie Vetoes 2 Employment Law Bills

August 16, 2017 | Comments Off on Much to the Satisfaction of Employers Across the State, Governor Christie Vetoes 2 Employment Law Bills
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Authored by:
Jay S. Becker
Jeri L. Abrams

Ari G. Burd

Recently, Governor Christie vetoed 2 pieces of workplace related legislation.

One bill that was vetoed sought to ban employers from inquiring about job applicants’ salary histories.  The objective behind the bill was to help close the gender pay gap, but Governor Christie disagreed, stating that the bill “would punish, as discriminatory, otherwise innocuous conduct done with neither discriminatory intent nor a discriminatory impact.”  This means that New Jersey employers remain free to ask prospective employees about their prior wages, salaries and benefits.  However, keep in mind that there are still many restrictions on what a prospective employer can ask job applicants.  For example, New Jersey’s “ban the box” law prohibits employers from asking an applicant about a criminal record until after the applicant’s first interview.

The Governor also conditionally vetoed a bill that would have significantly expanded New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance program.  In his veto message, Governor Christie argued that the bill would “make it increasingly difficult and expensive to run a business, especially a small business” and would also be a “costly expansion … that will result in increased taxes to be paid by working citizens in New Jersey.” The proposed legislation would have, among other things, increased the number of weeks an employee could receive benefits from 6 to 12, boosted the maximum benefit amount, added siblings, grandparents, grandchildren and parents-in-law to the list of covered caregivers and provided job protection to employees of employers with 20 or more workers.  While New Jersey’s current Family Leave Insurance program does not mandate job protection, remember that an employee’s job may still be protected if the employer is subject to the federal Family and Medical Leave Act or the New Jersey Family Leave Act.

Should you wish to discuss the above, or for assistance regarding the application, interview and hiring process or an employer’s obligations under the various family and medical leave laws, please contact GH&C’s Labor and Employment Law Department.


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