An Employer's Right to Monitor Text Messages, and Other Forms of Electronic Communications
Q: Can a public employer search an employee’s text messages? Under certain circumstances and the right policy in place, the United States Supreme Court says YES. A: On June 17, 2010, in City of Ontario v. Quon, No. 08-1332, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a California city’s search of a police officer’s text messages on a City […]
High Court Defines the Over-70 Exception to the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
Did you know that New Jersey law permits employers to “refuse to accept for employment” employees over the age of 70? But, what happens when a college Dean, who has worked for a college for more than 26 years under a series of consecutive contracts, is advised after attaining 70 years of age, that her […]
Ultrasound Technician does not Get Whistle-Blower Protection for Second-Guessing Doctor
Imagine that one day a pregnant woman goes in for a routine ultrasound. During the exam, she tells the technician that some time earlier in the pregnancy she had an issue with substantial vaginal bleeding. She also explains that her doctor instructed her to just rest in bed. Now, imagine that the technician, genuinely alarmed […]