NJ Labor And Employment Law

The New Jersey Labor and Employment Law Blog is authored by Jay S. Becker and Joseph C. DeBlasio, shareholders in the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group, with support from the associates in the Group. It is dedicated to provide news and updates regarding all labor and employment matters throughout New Jersey.

GH&C Alert: New FMLA Poster Must Be Posted By March 8, 2013

March 4, 2013 | Comments Off on GH&C Alert: New FMLA Poster Must Be Posted By March 8, 2013
Posted by Ari Burd

The U.S. Department of Labor has recently issued a new Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) poster which must be displayed by all employers covered under the FMLA by March 8, 2013.  All employers with 50 or more employees are subject to this requirement.  As was the case with previous postings, the poster must be displayed in “a conspicuous place where employees and applicants for employment can see it.”  As long as your organization is covered by the law, a poster must be displayed at all locations, even if there are no eligible employees.

The revisions contained in the poster relate to rights involving military family leave, military caregiver leave and also include changes to FMLA eligibility for airline flight crews and flight attendants.  A free copy of the poster is available online here:


One of the most noticeable changes referenced in the poster is the expansion of the number of families of veterans covered.  Specifically, the definition of a covered service member now includes veterans discharged under conditions other than dishonorable within the past five years. As a result, military caregiver leave can be taken up to five years after the service member leaves the military.  The FMLA provides these caregivers with the same job-protected FMLA leave rights that are currently available to families of military service members.  The Department of Labor has prepared a side-by-side comparison of the changes for easy reference:


For more information regarding the new workplace poster or for any of your labor and employment questions, please feel free to contact Ari G. Burd, Esq. or Jay S. Becker, Esq.


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