December 1, 2011 | No Comments
Posted by Curtis G. Fox
November 28, 2011 – The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (“NJDOL”) issued a new six-page notice that all New Jersey employers must immediately distribute to all newly hired employees and conspicuously post in the workplace. Employers must also distribute the notice to its current employees by no later than December 7, 2011. Failure to comply with the requirement can result in a fine of not more than $1,000 and criminal penalties. The notice, referred to as Poster MW-400, provides information pertaining to an employer’s obligations to maintain records pursuant to the New Jersey Wage Payment Law, Wage and Hour Law, Prevailing Wage Act, Unemployment Compensation Law, Temporary Disability Benefits Law, Family Leave Insurance Benefits Law, Worker’s Compensation Law and the Gross Income Tax Act. Poster MW-400 is available for download from the New Jersey Department of Labor’s Employee Poster Packet webpage:
Download New Jersey Department of Labor’s Employee Poster Packet
If an employer has an internet or intranet site for the exclusive use by its employees, and to which all employees have access, publication of the notice on that site will satisfy the posting requirement. In addition to the posting requirement, employers must distribute a written copy of the notice to all employees by December 7, 2011. Effective immediately, employers must provide a written copy of the notice at the time of any new employee’s hiring. Employers may choose to circulate the notice by e-mail to employees to satisfy the distribution requirement. Importantly, this notice does not eliminate any other posting requirements already in place under state and federal law.
For more information regarding the new workplace poster or for any of your labor and employment questions, please feel free to contact Curtis G. Fox, Esq..